Brussels Christmas Market in Belgium
Brussels Christmas Market in Belgium
BRUSSELS CHRISTMAS MARKET IN BELGIUM by Patti and Abi Maghamfar of One Road at a Time
Travel Bloggers Influencer Network (#TBIN) Members Share Their Top Picks For Christmas Markets That Should Be Visited in 2017!
Have you visited a Christmas Market or Holiday Market near home or when travelling? WAVEJourney asked our Travel Bloggers Influencer Network (#TBIN) colleagues for their expert opinions about markets they have either visited and recommend, or those that are still on their wish list to visit soon.
In all of our travels we’ve yet to visit a European Christmas Market and we are well past due. This year, we’re dreaming of a white Christmas and hope to visit the Brussels Christmas Market.
We love the city of Brussels in Belgium. The culture, the people, and the fascinating history all make for a grand time in the city. And, don’t forget the waffles! And, chocolate! The waffles and chocolate are reason enough to visit Brussels.
The stunning architecture of the Grand-Place is beyond imagination, especially when illuminated each night. Our desire to see the Grand-Place under a blanket of snow is growing exponentially.
We’re looking forward to the holiday season so we can see for ourselves the hundreds of charming chalets filled with visions of all things Christmas. The beautiful lights, the wonderful food and drink, and the Christmas festivities call to us. Maybe this is our year!
Click here to discover the Best Christmas Markets Around the World from the Travel Bloggers Influencer Network – TBIN.
Patti and Abi Maghamfar
One Road at a Time