Epic Southwest USA Road Trip – Day 15: Fort Stockton to Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas
Epic Southwest USA Road Trip – Day 15: Fort Stockton to Austin, Texas
Snapshots of WAVEJourney’s road trip from the drive between Fort Stockton (via Fredericksburg) and Austin, Texas.
Today our drive through Texas took just over 5 hours to cover approximately 330 miles – not difficult when most of the highway speeds average 75 MPH. Although the bluebonnets were out in full bloom, the sky was stormy, windy and rainy. But, once we arrived in Austin the sun started to shine through.
Driving US-10 in Texas
Our first sighting of an oil well in Texas
Caverns of Sonora – National Natural Monument
Route US-290 East took us through Fredericksburg
Fredericksburg Pioneer Memorial Library
Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park in Fredericksburg
Graffiti in Austin – Love it or hate it?
Dinner at Guero’s Taco Bar in Austin
Sights along South Congress Avenue
Sights along South Congress Avenue
Sights along South Congress Avenue
Ice cream at Lick in Austin
Next… Day 16: Snapshots of Austin, Texas
Previous… Day 14: Tucson, Arizona to Fort Stockton, Texas