Epic Southwest USA Road Trip – Day 12: Scottsdale to Tucson, Arizona
Hot day in Florence, Arizona
Epic Southwest USA Road Trip – Day 12: Scottsdale to Tucson, Arizona
Snapshots of WAVEJourney’s road trip from Scottsdale towards Tucson in Arizona.
Today we had a short drive from Scottsdale to Tucson. We took the scenic route – east on US-60 towards Superstition on Superstition Freeway and then AZ-79 S for – to visit a friend in Saddlebrook (approximately 25 miles north of Tucson).
Florence, Arizona
Florence, Arizona
Florence, Arizona
By chance, we timed our trip right and missed the huge crowds of people heading into Florence for Country Thunder music festival that was getting started.
Country Thunder Music Festival
Saddlebrook, Arizona
Santa Catalina Mountains seen from Saddlebrook
Next… Day 13: Snapshots from around Tucson
Previous… Day 10: MIM – Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, Arizona