Visit Oregon’s Alpenfest for Brats, Beer, Polka and Yodeling

Visit Oregon’s Alpenfest for Brats, Beer, Polka and Yodeling
Visit Oregon’s Alpenfest for Brats, Beer, Polka and Yodeling
Your Fall Forecast for a Frolicking Fun-filled Festival
WAVEJourney had a hankering for brats, beer, polka and yodeling and hit the road for Joseph, Oregon in September for the annual Alpenfest celebrating Swiss and Bavarian culture. This 4-day late September event in Northeastern Oregon’s Wallowa County is a toe-tapping, ear-to-ear-smile event that is sure to entertain almost anyone.
Oregon’s Alpenfest in Joseph
WJ arrived just in time to take in the mini-parade and opening ceremony in Enterprise on day one of the 2016 event. The small, but feisty crowd with most dressed in Swiss-Bavarian costumes featuring dirndls and lederhosen opened our eyes for a glimpse of what was to come over the next few days.
Bruce Coutant – alphorn craftsman.
The opening ceremony in its 46th year was capped with the blowing of the alphorn by local, Bruce Coutant, one of only a few alphorn craftsmen not residing in Europe.
Following the crowd, we headed to listen to “Accordions at Alpenfest” at Terminal Gravity Brewery, a bustling microbrewery located in Enterprise. Here we raised our steins in celebration of the ceremonial tapping of the first keg of Alpenfest Ale, an ale made just for the festivities.
Arthur Brogli from Lodi
Leading the first evening’s entertainment was Arthur Brogli from Lodi, California, who was born in Switzerland. He yodels like it is his first language. He lifted the rafters at Terminal Gravity and we looked forward to him hitting the stage throughout the rest of the weekend.
This annual event is great fun for all ages – perfect for a family or friend’ getaway to enjoy a little piece of Switzerland in Wallowa County, Oregon.
Oregon’s Alpenfest is fun for all ages.
WJ’s Tips for Visiting Joseph, Oregon