Seasickness Tips for Ocean Cruises

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Sea Band Seasickness Relief

Sea Band Seasickness Relief


Seasickness Tips for Ocean Cruises

By WAVEJourney

Q: What are the best remedies for seasickness on an ocean cruise?

A: Some passengers are definitely more prone to seasickness from the motion of the ocean on a ship than others. A few tried and tested tips for preventing seasickness include:

  • Ginger capsules (find at health food stores) are fantastic for the digestive system, help prevent or provide relief from seasickness or motion sickness.
  • Get patches (TransDerm or similar) from your doctor before leaving home.
  • Bonine – A once-a-day motion sickness pill for prevention and treatment.
  • Ask at the front desk on the ship for sea sick pills (some charge and some offer them for free).
  • Eat light – broth, crackers and green apples are all good remedies.
  • Sea Bands have worked for many and are easy to find at drug stores or online.
  • Meclazine – some swear that it really works (a prescription drug so get it before you go).
  • Pick a cabin on the lower decks and as close to the middle of the ship as possible (maybe even an inside cabin if you are really wary).
  • The big ships have stabilizers that help to alleviate a lot of the motion.
  • If there is a windy/choppy day at sea it is best not to walk around too much.
  • Stay away from upper forward decks and spaces as they get more motion.
  • Another popular seasick medication many recommend is Cinarizina (get it in Mexico – also known as Stugeron Forte).
  • Acupuncture – works wonders for many and some ships even have an acupuncturist onboard that can do treatments.
  • Over the counter Dramamine or Gravol pills work for many.
  • Prevention is better than a cure in the case of seasickness.

Note: Ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication.



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