Bologna, Italy – Cantina Bentivoglio Pasta-Making Demonstration and Lunch

Bologna, Italy – Cantina Bentivoglio Pasta-Making Demonstration and Lunch
Bologna, Italy – Cantina Bentivoglio Pasta-Making Demonstration and Lunch
WJ Tested: Uniworld Po River Cruise Day 5 – Pasta-making demonstration and lunch at Cantina Bentivoglio was part of the Bologna full-day included excursion.
Cantina Bentivoglio in Bologna, Italy – Restaurant, Wine Bar & Jazz Club.
With an hour of free time in Bologna, we delved back into the Mercato di Mezzo before meeting again with our Uniworld cruise guides. Once all passengers had assembled (everyone was on time for the 12:50 pm meeting at Bologna’s leaning towers) it was a 10-minute stroll to Cantina Bentivoglio where we were treated to a 45-minute pasta-making demonstration with Luisa.
Cantina Bentivoglio in Bologna, Italy
Luisa makes fresh pasta by hand everyday for Cantina Bentivoglio
Flour and eggs for making fresh pasta
Luisa adds the eggs to the flour to make the fresh pasta
Luisa kneads the flour and eggs together to make the fresh pasta
Luisa forms the pasta dough
Luisa rolls out the pasta dough at Cantina Bentivoglio
A special rolling pin is used to make perfect pasta
Luisa rolls the dough very thin for the pasta she is making
Luisa cuts the pasta dough into shapes for tortellini
One of the fillings for the tortellini pasta
Luisa shows off her tortellini
Luisa demonstrates how to make tagliatelli
Luisa demonstrates how to make broad noodles
Fresh pasta for lunch at Cantina Bentivoglio
We learned that Luisa has been making fresh pasta by hand for Cantina Bentivoglio for 10 years. She had retired from working her own restaurant and was bored, so offered her expertise to the restaurant – they could not refuse.
Once the pasta-making demonstration concluded it was time to be seated in the restaurant and enjoy some of the local specialties, including some of the pasta Luisa had spent the morning preparing.
Uniworld’s Italy River Cruise Group at Cantina Bentivoglio in Bologna
The delicious three-course lunch included mineral water, plus red or white wine.
Lunch first course: Tomato bruschetta, mortadella, tigelli bread
Lunch Second Course – Pasta: Tortellini with ricotta and tomato sauce, tagliatelle with bolognese
For dessert we dined on a fruit salad of strawberries, watermelon and cantaloupe, followed by a shot of espresso (caffe) for those wanting it.
Once lunch was finished we walked back to the meeting place for the coach for the 60-minute drive back to Polesella and Uniworld River Countess.
Next… Verona and Private Visit to St. Mark’s Basilica
- WAVEJourney’s Uniworld Po River and Venetian Lagoon Review
- Uniworld River Countess Ship Facts: Ship Features and Amenities
- Embarkation in Venice – Day 1
- Explore Venice on Foot
- Padua & Scrovegni Chapel
- Venice to Chioggia
- Ravenna and Po River Cruising to Polesella
- Visiting Bologna
If You Go:
- Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Collection
- Uniworld Po River & the Venetian Lagoon
- Uniworld River Countess
- Scrovengi Chapel