Writer’s Guidelines for WAVEJourney

Writer’s Guidelines for WAVEJourney
Writer’s Guidelines for WAVEJourney
Join the WAVEJourney Community of Writers
WJ is accepting original content articles to feature on our website and in our monthly newsletter.
Specifically, our readers prefer firsthand travel experiences! These can include your recommendations for travel tips, destinations, tours, cruises, activities, restaurant and hotel reviews, etc. They’re really not interested in listicles unless you’re describing your personal experience.
In addition we publish articles about food, wine, health, golf courses, history, and culture. The thing to remember here is that the focus of the article has to be of interest or benefit to women.
To get a sense of what WJ is after, sign-up for the free monthly newsletter (via sign-up box at top right), and browse through some of the stories you’ll find throughout WAVEJourney.com.
- NOTE: If you have received any assistance with any part of the trip or experience you are writing about, be sure to note it at the foot of the article. This includes: comped, hosted, sponsored, discounted, etc., hotels, air, car rentals, meals, activities, events, etc…
- NOTE: If you are in any way affiliated with a company that you mention in your article, make note of that in your initial email to us. (P.S. If you are trying to pull a fast one and submit a guest post that is actually a sponsored post, we will make sure the entire blogosphere knows your underhanded tactics!)
- NOTE: If you have received or will receive any form of payment for an article that you submit to WAVEJourney.com, make note of it in your initial email to us.
Submitting Your Article:
- Articles can run from 350-2500 words, and must not have been previously published online or with the intent do publish a duplicate article elsewhere on the web.
- Submit an article in a word doc attachment. Also copy it into the body of an email. Send to: wjnewsletter (at) ymail (dot) com
- Format article – Left-justified; Do not indent paragraphs; check spelling, punctuation, grammar; Hyperlinks should not be included in body of article. It is preferable to include links at the bottom of the article, in the “If You Go” section.
- Make sure you put the following title in the subject line of your email: “Article for Publication: Your title.” (Example: Article for Publication: South African Delicacies)
- You are required to submit at least one (2) photos with each article. Maximum photos per article = 12. Captions are required. Photos/images should be in JPEG form – dimension size: 642×480. Do not submit photos with your article – send in a separate email with your article title. (Example: Photos: South African Delicacies) If you would like to use Dropbox instead, just let us know.
- When submitting photos identify in your article where they should be placed. (Example: If I want my lion photo at the end of this paragraph I will write, “Place lion photo here”)
- Photo credits will be included with the article, so if someone other than you is responsible for the photos, make note of this and give them credit. Also, make sure you have permission to use the photographs that someone else took – it is your responsibility to ensure there are no copyright infringements.
- Videos – Upload to YouTube and email us the link to the video.
- Make sure to include your bio info – text, photo, website, blog, Twitter, Facebook and email address.
At this time WJ does not pay for articles or photographs. Benefits (FAM trip leads, letters of assignment) are available to writers who have contributed to our site – contact us for details. WJ is happy to include your bio information with your article, along with your website and blog urls.
Please send us an email if you have any questions. WJ looks forward to working with you and publishing your work.
Viv & Jill
WAVE Journey.com – Women’s Adventures, Vacations & Experiences ~ Your Journey Starts Here!
wjnewsletter (at) ymail (dot) com
P.S. If you are looking for other writing venues, take a look at the writer’s guidelines on GoNomad.com ~